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Attention Educators, Coaches, and Ministry Leaders: 

In 45 Days You Can Start a Youth Coaching Business That Generates Additional Income For You While Greatly Improving The Lives Of Youth

The Generation Youth Coaching Certification is the perfect opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of youth. In just 45 days, you will learn the process of how to coach youth so they can thrive as well as how to launch your youth coaching business. 

Yes, I Want To Make a Positive Impact On The Lives Of Youth

Not sure if you are interested in Youth Life Coaching but want to learn more about the
TEN BIGGEST PROBLEMS That Teens Face Every Day?

Download Your Free E-Book Now

Our Youth are Facing a Crisis of Epic Proportions.

The Clock is Ticking for Our Youth!

Today's youth are in the eye of a storm, grappling with challenges of self-image, navigating complex relationships, and searching for a brighter future. The shadows of depression, the menace of bullying, the weight of academic pressure, and the quest for genuine connections pull them in every direction.

While schools and churches are fighting the good fight, our world's frenetic pace, paired with endless distractions and temptations, adds layers of complexity.

Our youth aren't just seeking guidance; they're thirsting for it.

Isn't it Time We Stepped Up?

If there's a chance to provide them a sturdy foothold in this chaos, wouldn't you seize it? Merely hoping they’ll navigate these turbulent waters on their own, or assuming they'll find all they need in their current environments, is a gamble.

Many mentors and leaders are stretched thin, doing their best but often only scratching the surface. The youth need YOU, now more than ever. Will you answer the call?

Rise to the Call—They're Waiting.


Countless youth are navigating life's maze, often feeling lost, with no compass to guide them or voice cheering them on. Their untapped potential lies dormant, waiting for that spark.

By embracing the mantle of a Generation Youth Certified Coach, you don't just guide them—you ignite their fire. You help shape motivated, goal-oriented individuals; you sharpen their focus, enhance their problem-solving prowess, and sculpt future leaders.

Through your coaching, they'll not only build robust relationships but also soar to new heights in academia, sports, and their future careers. Their potential is limitless, and with you by their side, they'll know it too. Will you be the catalyst they've been waiting for?

Yes, I Want To Make a Positive Impact On The Lives Of Youth

The Transformational Journey of Mary with Generation Youth 


From the outside, Mary looked like any other teenager. But beneath her shy demeanor, she wrestled with crippling self-doubt and the shadows of low self-esteem. School felt like a mountain too high to climb, and forming genuine friendships seemed a distant dream. Her parents, ever-supportive, tried everything to help her discover her inner light, yet Mary’s path seemed to wind further into darkness.

Enter Generation Youth Life Coach.

Hesitant at first, Mary questioned the idea of having someone else intrude into her already complex world. Yet, with gentle encouragement from her parents, she took the brave step to meet her coach. And it turned out to be the start of a transformative journey.

Each session with the Generation Youth Life Coach unveiled layers of Mary's potential, hidden beneath years of self-doubt. The coach, with their specialized training, crafted a unique roadmap for Mary. They worked together on pinpointing her intrinsic strengths, setting realistic yet challenging goals, and mastering adaptive coping techniques.

Soon, Mary wasn’t just reaching milestones; she was setting them. School wasn’t the insurmountable mountain anymore, but a challenge she faced head-on, as her grades reflected. The hallways, once a place of isolation, transformed into avenues of connection, where Mary formed bonds with peers she'd once believed were out of reach.

Reflecting on her journey, it wasn’t just about the destination but the transformation. Mary's metamorphosis from a hesitant teenager to a resilient young woman was a testament to her inner strength and the unparalleled support of her Generation Youth Life Coach.

For Mary's parents, witnessing their daughter’s remarkable turnaround was nothing short of a miracle. They realized that entrusting Mary to the hands of a Generation Youth Life Coach was not just a good decision—it was life-altering. Through Generation Youth, Mary discovered her wings. And today, she soars.

Alex's Journey to Rediscovery with Generation Youth

High school—a time of new experiences, friendships, and academic challenges. For Alex, a budding athlete, it should've been the prime of his teenage years. Yet, beneath the surface, he grappled with the intricacies of social dynamics and academic pressures. He loved sports, but the camaraderie of team spirit seemed elusive. Classrooms felt like mazes where he often lost his way.

Recognizing this, Alex's parents turned to Generation Youth for help. They were introduced to a dedicated youth coach, a beacon of experience and understanding, particularly adept at guiding high schoolers like Alex.

The coach's approach was comprehensive. First, he delved into understanding Alex—his strengths, his struggles, his aspirations. He soon recognized Alex’s dual battle: building genuine friendships and elevating his academic performance.

For Alex's social journey, the youth coach initiated conversations on effective communication, fostering trust, and finding one’s voice. The lessons weren’t just about speaking; they were about listening, understanding, and valuing oneself. Alex began to radiate a newfound confidence, drawing peers toward him like a magnet.

On the academic front, it wasn't just about achieving higher grades but embracing a love for learning. Together, they dissected Alex's study patterns, setting clear goals, and adopting tailored study techniques. The coach introduced Alex to the power of visualization, positive affirmations, and the proven Ziglar's Goal-setting system—equipping him with tools not just for school but for life.

The transformation was profound. Alex wasn't just participating in life; he was thriving in it. Friendships blossomed, grades soared, and his athletic prowess shone brighter.

With tears in their eyes, Alex’s parents expressed their gratitude: "You've given me my son back!"

This was not merely about navigating high school—it was about equipping Alex with the wisdom and resilience for every walk of life. Through Generation Youth, Alex didn't just find his path; he crafted it.

Some Questions You May Have...

Yes, I Want To Make a Difference In The Lives Of Youth

What Previous Students Have To Say About The Program....

Gage Davis

Generation Youth has genuinely changed my life completely. The most selfless and driven individuals have surrounded me throughout the class. Generation Youth reminded me why I am here on this earth; it reminded me of my purpose to not only love and serve others but to love and serve myself. I will forever be thankful to Generation Youth for this life-changing experience.

Julia Knaggs

My Generation Youth experience left me feeling refreshed and confident in my purpose. Over four days in this program, the content you learn is relevant, honest, and personal. Best of all, you get to learn alongside a group of other motivated young people of all backgrounds and experience levels who quickly become like your second family. No matter your background, you will leave your time at Generation Youth with a brand new perspective on life.

Philip Rhodes

When I learned about the Generation Youth Certification, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. But, when I walked into the facilities, I was welcomed with smiling faces and a positive attitude. Getting to know some great people and learning how to do some inspiring things helped me have a fantastic experience. Great program, great people, great experience.

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Discover the Power of Generation Youth Coaching Certification...

The Content

  • Dynamic Research-Based Modules: Dive into the heart of youth's most crucial concerns with four meticulously crafted modules that focus on Mindset, Self-image, Relationship building, and Goal-setting.

  • Coaches' Toolkit: Everything you need, right at your fingertips! This includes comprehensive resources, insightful assessments, step-by-step coaching instructions, and seasoned tips.

  • Youth Client Manual: A tailored guidebook designed specifically for the youth, enriched with module specifics, evaluations, questions, and content that aligns with the core principles of youth development for a successful transition.

  • Exclusive Access to "Tomorrow's Youth": Engage with our resource book, "Tomorrow's Youth: Reaching a Hope-deferred Generation," offering you unparalleled insights and strategies.

The Process

  • Flexible Coaching Curriculum: Our dynamic program can be molded to fit durations from 4 weeks to an impressive 16 weeks, all geared towards letting our youth flourish and prosper.

  • Diverse Learning Platforms: Choose from an invigorating Live Event (with both in-person and virtual options), engaging cohort virtual classes, or the comprehensive online platform, ensuring you garner the wisdom and expertise you seek.

  • Mentorship from the Best: Benefit from the invaluable insights of seasoned professionals in youth development and life coaching, boasting a collective experience spanning over a century.

The Support

  • Personalized Training Options: We offer intimate live in-person or virtual training sessions, setting us apart from the generic online alternatives.

  • Your Coaching Community: From day one, your class cohort evolves into your very own "Youth Coaching Family", ensuring camaraderie and mutual growth.

  • Connected and Empowered: Engage with our thriving online community of like-minded coaches. Whether you seek guidance, wish to share advice, or collaborate on new ventures, remember—you're part of a family that has your back.

We Not Only Show You The Curriculum That Is The Most Effective In Assisting Youth In Thriving, In Addition, We Also Teach You How To Use It To Launch a

Unlock Your Youth Coaching Potential!

🌟 The G.R.O.W.T.H Business Starter Program: Dive right in with our signature program, designed to supercharge your launch and help you secure your very first clients in record time!

📋 All-Inclusive Business Toolkit: Unpack our comprehensive Business Building Checklist and put those business action plans to work. We’ve laid out every step, ensuring your path to success is clear and actionable.

📁 Coaching Essentials: Get your hands on our exclusive Coaching Templates Pack! Whether it’s assessments, proposals, or agreement templates, we've got you covered. No more guesswork—just proven tools to kickstart your coaching journey.

🤝 Join the Generation Youth Family: Immerse yourself in our vibrant Generation Youth Community. Here, you can bond with seasoned instructors and fellow youth coaches. Whether you have a burning question, seek advice, or just want to share a triumphant moment, this space is for YOU!

📘 Discover Your Perfect Match: Our "Ideal Client and Niche Youth Coaching Workbook" helps you pinpoint who you can impact the most. Understand your niche, refine your approach, and make every coaching session truly transformative!

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What Makes the Generation Youth Coaching Certification Right for You?

A certification that provides a live connection to the content, fellow coaches, and staff vs. anonymous, by yourself, and impersonal training.

Youth coaching is TOO IMPORTANT to be done in isolation.

We learn more and better when we learn together.

  • Dynamic Evolution

    • 📘 Vibrant Curriculum on the Go: Stay on the pulse of positive youth development! Benefit from our continually updated curriculum, ensuring you're always ahead of the curve.
    • 🎙 Stay Tuned Weekly: Immerse yourself in insights from our weekly podcast, where we chat with the nation’s trailblazers in positive youth development.

    Tailored Coaching Flexibility

    • Adaptable Programs: With the capability to mold the curriculum for 4-16-week sessions, online interaction, or group settings, you're in the driver's seat.
    • 🌍 Universal Application: The Generation Youth Coaching Certification offers unmatched flexibility, allowing you to design programs that resonate with your unique audience.

    Empowered Business Blueprint

    • 🚀 Unparalleled Business Module: We're proud to offer the only youth coaching certification that comes equipped with a dedicated business-building module.
    • 📈 Start Strong & Thrive: Dive in with confidence, knowing you have a solid foundation and a roadmap to establish a lasting coaching enterprise. With our expertly crafted module, both you and your clients will feel reassured in your prowess as a youth coach.

What do you receive as a Generation YOUTH Coach?

At our in-depth live conference, you will gain the following:

  • Understanding the youth coaching model - and how to apply it.
  • Obtaining the most important skill every youth coach needs.
  • Curriculum that provides a blueprint for the youth coaching process.
  • Understanding the principles and practices of youth development.
  • Connecting with like-mind youth coaches, building a network to help see youth thrive.

Following the conference, the six-week cohort will include the following:

  1. How to use the Generation youth coaching Notebook.
  2. How to guide youth through the coaching process.
  3. How to use your Generation Youth Participants Study Guide.

Online additional content will include:

  1. The Ten Principles of Youth Development
  2. Understanding the Adolescent Brain
  3. How to assess and evaluate the success of youth development programs
  4. How to work with diverse youth populations
  5. And many more topics were added throughout the year

Trusted by these organizations

The Generation Youth Coaching Promise

We will always be available to assist you our your journey to help youth thrive.

We will strive to provide you with proven strategies and resources in youth coaching.

We will keep you current on youth culture and trends.

We will always be committed to the goal of seeing ALL youth thrive.

You deserve the best resources and training to work with youth... without the complications of traditional youth coach training!

Learning the right PROCESS, understanding the right CONTENT, and building the right PLATFORM can take a massive investment of money and time.

But it doesn't have to be that way...

Traditional Youth Coaching Programs

(Old way of doing things!)

  • Potential Investment of $20,000+
  • Commitment Spanning 2-8 Years
  • Possibly Outdated: May not stay updated with the latest trends and research in youth development.
  • Lacking in Foundations: Might not be anchored in time-tested youth development principles and practices.
  • Absence of Effective Curriculum: Does not equip with a curriculum tailored for successful youth coaching.
  • Broad Focus: Other certifications often miss out on addressing the unique mindset of the youth.

The Generation Youth Coaching Certification

A Breath of Fresh Air!

  • Affordable & Worthwhile Investment
  • Fast-Track Learning: Complete in just six weeks!
  • Cutting-Edge Content: Always updated with the latest youth development research and trends.
  • Youth-Centric Approach: A platform specifically tailored to understand and cater to the youth mindset.
  • Rooted in Excellence: Our certification seamlessly integrates established youth development principles and practices.
  • Empowering Curriculum: Provides a tried-and-true coaching framework that sets youth on the path to success.
Enroll Now

3 Simple Steps To Enroll

Click on the Enroll Now Button to Register

The cost for the Generation Youth Coaching Certification is $2275. Do NOT wait to sign up, as space is limited!

Receive Details About the Live Conference & Training

After registration, you'll receive details, including exact times, housing options (in-person) or links (virtual), and how to prepare for the conference!

Share Your Journey & Get Connected

Share your exciting Journey with family and friends! Then connect to our Facebook Group to meet other participants.

Enroll Now

Email or Schedule a call today as we are hosting live virtual classes plus a new complete online format coming soon!


Take Action & Enroll Now!

Don't miss out on this event where we RE-IMAGINE what Youth coaching is about.

Unfortunately, space is limited to 30 people.

Investment: $2275 per person (includes materials & online content)

Date: Next Class starts August 20th (6 week virtual class)

Location: Virtually (online version coming soon)

Time: Tuesday's 7pm Eastern, starting August 20th


Enrollment is now open for the Generation Youth Coaching Certification program, so don't wait! Sign up today and take the first step towards a fulfilling career as a youth coach. Let's work together to build a brighter future for the next generation!

Do you need to learn more: Click here to schedule a call!



Download the Schedule

This Is An Introductory Offer. 

The Price Will Increase After this Class!

Generation YOUTH coach certification



  • Attendance to the live event.
  • All workbooks, coaching manuals, and youth resources.
  • All meals at the events, if in-person (housing not included).
  • Participation in the six-week follow-up cohort.
  • Access to the online resources and core content.

Generation YOUTH coach certification

3 Payments of $775


  • Attendance to the live event.
  • All workbooks, coaching manuals, and youth resources.
  • All meals at the events if in-person (housing not included).
  • Participation in the six-week follow-up cohort.
  • Access to the online resources and core content.

Don't miss out on this event where we RE-IMAGINE what Youth coaching is about.

Unfortunately, space is limited to 30 people.

Investment: $2275 per person (includes materials & all online content)

Date: TBD (email or schedule a call to learn more)

Location: Virtually live online

Time: TBD


You get all this, plus the confidence in knowing you're equipped to help youth thrive when you enroll today!

You can choose between a one-time payment of $2275 or 3 payments of $775!

Do you need to learn more: Click here to schedule a call!